Cable & Wireless Fibre Optic TV Commercial
Cable & Wireless Seychelles came to us as they wanted an eye-catching commercial that showcased their service and their new fibre optic technology.
CWS is the leading telecommunications company in the Seychelles. Established in 1893, CWS provide fixed, mobile and broadband services for the general public in addition to telecommunications solutions for businesses.
Before the provision of the Seychelles undersea fibre optic cable that now drives their Internet services, residents of the Seychelles had to rely on a slow and saturated Satellite connection. The impact that the cable has had on the Seychelles cannot be overstated, and as a result CWS wanted something grand to illustrate the tremendous influence that this new technology has had. The economic and educational impact of the fibre optic cable is colossal.
This commercial was a project right up our street because we were able to be involved in every stage of the process: from the initial conception to the final finished product. We decided that the best way to represent CWS’s services was by using a combination of live footage, 2D and 3D animation and incorporating those three channels into one.
The idea behind the travelling optical cable in the commercial is of course to make the point that via CWS’s services, users can get thoroughly connected and we felt that the various shots of the cable travelling at a significant speeds were effective ways of making the point that CWS’s services were extremely fast and highly efficient.
At one point in the commercial, the camera drops from space down towards the Seychelles where it actually drops into the water to follow the optical cable. This was a great way of illustrating the expansive nature of the service that the fibre optic cable provides. We enjoyed the challenge of creating this technical transition, and we strove to ensure that it looked as authentic and professional as possible.
Another one of the transitions we found particularly enjoyable was the shift from the 2D rendering of the earth to the CWS logo that the commercial finishes on. This was a great way of making the point that as a result of CWS’s services, the Seychelles was now truly linked up to the rest of the world.
This was a fantastic project for Maven as we were able to use all the various strings in our bow to create something pretty special. We were responsible for the design, animation, music and sound effects.