7 South Corporate Identity and Website
7 South specialise in destination management and offer a fantastic array of bespoke holidays in the Seychelles. They were established in 1999 and have spent the last 14 years building up a significant level of experience in holiday management. Their marketing strategy has meant that they’ve contributed massively towards the development of the Seychelles as a holiday destination.
We came into contact with 7 South as they wanted their logo and corporate brand to be refreshed. When it comes to branding, it is of imperative importance to keep your brand fresh, and we’re passionate about assisting our clients to create brands that are effective and relevant, so when 7 South approached us we were delighted to work with them. We were tasked with managing the change in the brand direction without losing the original intended focus of the company.
After our designers took care of the logo and corporate brand, we were tasked with assisting 7 South with the application of this new brand to their various marketing strategies.
We also used our web expertise to help 7 South build a comprehensive travel website that catered for businesses as well as the general public. This included implementing room information, a gallery with high quality images and a booking system. 7 South’s web presence is a global one and consequently we ensured that their content was available in a variety of different languages.
We used the content management system Drupal which enables 7 South to be in total control of their content. This is a great way for 7 South to edit information as well as communicating with their clients.
The website also features a live search function so that users can find a residence that suits their needs. Customers can filter their search results based on differing requirements – islands, hotels and facilities amongst others.
We loved working with 7 South, and we think they liked working with us; here’s their testimonial regarding our work with them:
Link: www.7south.net